
Random Questions Generator: Art & Literature

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What Was The Title Of The First Ever James Bond Novel 
Casino Royale 
Water-soluble paint made from pigments and a plastic binder…?
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'Mr & Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal' 
Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone 
Who Painted The Last Supper 
Leonardo Da Vinci 
Who wrote the 'Myth' series?
Robert Asprin
A realistic style of painting in which everyday life forms the subject matter, as distinguished from religious or historical painting.
Genre painting
Which English Author Created Horatio Hornblower 
C.S. Forester 
Who wrote the long religious epic, "Paradise Lost"?
John Milton
Which Of The Bronte Sisters Married The Reverend A B Nicholls In 1854 
What Rank Was Biggles 
A movement of the 1920s and 1930s that began in France. It explored the unconscious, often using images from dreams. It used spontaneous techniques and featured unexpected juxtapositions of objects.
In 'Alice In Wonderland', who never stopped sobbing?
Mock Turtle
Who wrote 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?
Harper Lee
Who wrote the novels 'About A Boy', 'How To Be Good' and 'High Fidelity'? 
Nick Hornby 
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "Double, double ___ "
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